Exploring Self-Determination Theory in ELT: A Content Analysis of Research Trends between 2020 and 2024





SDT, motivation, ELT, language learning


This study aims to seek recent research trends in the applicability of Self-Determination Theory (SDT) to English language teaching (ELT) by reviewing the literature on this new approach to studying learner motivation, which plays a crucial role in language acquisition. The subject of the study is a series of related articles collected between 2020 and 2024, and the data is gathered from fifty selected articles during this period. The method employed for data analysis is content analysis approach, which helps identify themes and common trends throughout the articles’ contents. The findings reveal various trends in applying SDT to foster learner motivation in ELT, including trends in research topics, methods, and noteworthy new themes in the applicability of SDT and its six sub-theories to ELT. These provide insights into the great potential of SDT in ELT research. The paper also has implications for new research ideas of learner motivation with STD.

Author Biography

Ha Thanh Bich Loan, UEH University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Ha Thanh Bich Loan is an English teacher at the School of Foreign Languages at UEH University in Vietnam. She has been teaching English for over twenty years and is currently pursuing a PhD in TESOL. Her research interests primarily lie in learner motivation, curriculum development, and blended learning.


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How to Cite

Ha, T. B. L. (2024). Exploring Self-Determination Theory in ELT: A Content Analysis of Research Trends between 2020 and 2024. ICTE Conference Proceedings, 5, 140–164. https://doi.org/10.54855/ictep.24512

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