EFL Students' Perceptions of Using Nearpod in Online English Learning





Nearpod, Foreign language learning, Online teaching and learning, Interactivity


One of the key elements to success in learning a foreign language is interaction. However, maintaining the appropriate interaction among students in online classrooms can be difficult during the Covid-19 epidemic. To increase the effectiveness of online contact throughout the study process, a variety of platforms have been used, including Zoom, Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, Skype, and Team Link. This study intends to find out if Nearpod, a website that promotes online learning, makes students more interactive when studying English online. At Van Lang University (VLU), in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, sixty-eight freshmen took part in this initiative for eleven weeks. A mixed-method technique was employed in conjunction with the Perception of Online Interaction Scale and open-ended questions as the two data-gathering tools. The findings reveal thatearpod encourages interaction in online English learning. The findings have made a big difference in making virtual study easier, which is essential in the dangerous infection of the Covid-19 virus.

Author Biographies

Le Huynh Ha Van, Language Institute, Van Lang University, Vietnam

Her full name is Le Huynh Ha Van (M.A). Currently, she is an English lecturer at the Language Institute at Van Lang University, Hochiminh City, Vietnam. She got a B.A in TEFL (University of Pedagogy, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam), an M.A in TESOL (Victoria University, Australia), and a certificate in Teaching English as an international language (RELC SEAMEO RETRAC, Singapore). She has presented at some international and national conferences such as GLoCALL 2019 (1), VietTESOL International Convention 2019 (2), ELT Upgrades 2019: A Focus on Methodology – HUFI (3), ThaiTESOL 2020, etc. Her major concerns are finding solutions to problems in teaching and learning English and enhancing students' motivation.

Doan Thi Kieu Oanh , Language Institute, Van Lang University, Vietnam

Her full name is Doan Thi Kieu Oanh (M.A), and she is an English lecturer at the Language Institute at Van Lang University, Hochiminh City, Vietnam. After graduating from the University of Foreign Languages, Hue City in 2010 with Bachelor's Degree in English Teacher Education, she continued her study at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hochiminh City, to get a Master of Arts in TESOL Methodology in 2015. She is really interested in technology and always tries to apply the newest tools in her teaching. In the field of research, she is passionate about some topics related to CALL, learner's motivation, learner strategies and project-based learning. She has had some presentations at international and national conferences such as CamTESOL 2020, and VietTESOL International Convention 2019, 2020. 


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How to Cite

Le, H. H. V., & Doan, T. K. O. (2023). EFL Students’ Perceptions of Using Nearpod in Online English Learning. ICTE Conference Proceedings, 3, 98–117. https://doi.org/10.54855/ictep.2338

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