Themes and Language Style in Advertising Slogans of Vietnamese Banks and American Banks




slogan themes, slogan discourse, collectivism, individualism, high context culture.


Advertising slogans are important in branding companies and attracting customers. Businesses emphasize global thinking but tailor actions to local preferences, initiating advertisers to consider local culture when crafting advertising slogans. However, studies on advertising slogans are not abundant. This study used a qualitative approach to analyze and compare 50 Vietnamese and 69 American banks' advertising slogans in three aspects: themes, vocabulary, and syntax. Unlike previous multimodal studies on advertisements, this research highlighted the impact of culture on advertising, namely the influence of collectivism/individualism and high/low-context culture on advertising themes, vocabulary, and syntaxes. The study identified one similarity and three differences in the themes and pinpointed distinct words and syntax in these two groups of advertising slogans. Hopefully, the research will provide a deeper understanding of cultural influence on advertising so that advertising professionals can avoid potential cultural crashes in multi–national working environments.

Author Biography

Cao Huong Thanh, Hanoi University of Business and Technology, Ha Noi, Vietnam

Cao Huong Thanh is currently a PhD student in the Faculty of Linguistics at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University Hanoi, Vietnam. She majors in TESOL and Linguistics. Her research interests include ELT, cultural linguistics, and English-Vietnamese contrastive analysis. She has over 25 years of experience in EFL teaching at Hanoi University of Business and Technology and other prestigious universities in Vietnam.


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How to Cite

Cao, H. T. (2024). Themes and Language Style in Advertising Slogans of Vietnamese Banks and American Banks. ICTE Conference Proceedings, 5, 130–139.

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