The Impact of Using Language Games on Motivating High School Students To Learning English Speaking Skills




Language games, speaking skills, motivation


The use of language games to increase high school pupils' motivation for learning English speaking abilities. This essay examines how language games are used at U Minh Thuong High School to teach students how to speak English. Eighty teenagers from two high school classrooms made up the participants. They were 36 boys and 44 girls in grade 11 at U Minh Thuong High School, and they ranged in age from 16 to 17. A questionnaire and an interview on participants' opinions on the usage of language games in English speaking lessons served as the study's primary data collection instruments. The goal of this study is to identify the most effective strategies for encouraging speaking in the classroom, as well as what language activities are most effective for enhancing academic achievement and generating interest in children who are learning English.

Author Biography

Ho Thi Thuy Dung, Tra Vinh University

Ho Thi Thuy Dung is a graduate student at Tra Vinh University. For more than ten years, she has been a teacher of English at a high school in the province of Kien Giang. She was strongly motivated to work in her field. She faced several challenges due to her lack of teaching expertise, but over time she gained experience by participating in seminars and methodological courses. Now that Dung is comfortable and enthusiastic about teaching, she chose to enroll in a Master's course that would provide her with a thorough understanding of the teaching profession.


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How to Cite

Ho, T. T. D. (2022). The Impact of Using Language Games on Motivating High School Students To Learning English Speaking Skills. ICTE Conference Proceedings, 1, 1–10.



Research Articles