Dear colleagues,
Thank you very much for your interest in participating in the 1st International Conference of TESOL & Education (ICTE) and VLTESOL2022. We have received more than 90 abstract submissions from Japan, Australia, Indonesia, China, Thailand, India, and The Philippines. In Vietnam, we received many abstract submissions from Ha Noi, Bac Ninh, Vinh, Da Nang, Dong Nai, and Ho Chi Minh City.
All the abstracts have undergone peer reviews. As soon as we have the results of the reviews, we will send you the notifications right away.
We are also working on the conference program. When it is ready, we will send you the details of the time, session, and link for your presentation. We are going to use MS TEAM for the Webinar.
As the Conference will run in virtual mode, you will need to upload your video clip presentation via the Google Drive link. We will send it to each of you via email.
Please pay attention to the following dates:
Important dates:
Participation registration: 30 November 2021 (Conference fee)
Full paper submission: 15 December 2021
Video-clip submission: 3-10 January 2022
Please visit the International Conference of TESOL & Education and VLTESOL website at https://i-jte.org/icte1 for more information about the Conference.
As early as possible, when you complete your full paper, please visit the journal websites at https://i-jte.org to submit your full paper to be fully considered for publication. Write a comment that the paper is for icte. Please use the templates below for your paper to submit to the ijte. Template of the ijte
In case you wish to get your paper published in the AsiaCALL Online Journal, go to the Journal website https://asiacall.info/acoj to submit it. Please use the template of ijte: Template of the acoj
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us through tu.ctx@vlu.edu.vn or WhatsApp: +84931792605.
Best regards,
On behalf of the ICTE & VLTESOL
Assoc. Prof. Pham Vu Phi Ho, Ph.D.
Vice President of the International Conference of TESOL & Education
The ICTE & VLTESOL are sponsored by National Geographic Learning, Dai Truong Phat Education Solutions, A Chau English, and Macmillan Education
Dear Colleagues,
CoronaVirus pandemic has badly impacted all aspects of our life, especially in Education. Universities and schools have been trying hard to overcome this critical period. Teachers and lecturers are also trying harder to fight with e-learning in order to maintain the quality of education. However, not every instructor is successful in dealing with these circumstances. So, we need to get together to share our real experiences in our own teaching contexts so that successful educators can help each other improve this educational situation.
Therefore, we VLTESOL and IJTE organize the 1st International Conference of TESOL & Education on 22 January 2022 at Van Lang University, 69/68 Dang Thuy Tram Street, Ward 13, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The Conference provides a forum for teachers, educators, and university leaders to come and share their experiences in education during the Corona Virus’ pandemic, issues of E-learning, language, linguistics, translations & interpretations, TESOL, English Language Studies, and education.
Due to the CoronaVirus Pandemic recently, the Conference will run in virtual mode only.
The Conference Proceedings will be published in the International Journal of TESOL & Education or AsiaCALL Online Journal.
The conference fees for the local participants are 750,000 VND, and for the international participants is 70 USD.
Important dates:
- Abstract submission: 08 June 2021 – 15 October 2021
- Notification of acceptance: 15 November 2021
- Participation registration: 30 November 2021
- Full paper submission: 15 December 2021
- Video-clip submission: 3-10 January 2022
- Conference Dates: 22 January 2022
For further information
If you need any assistance, please contact Ms. Xuan Tu, email: tu.ctx@vlu.edu.vn, or ijte.editorial@gmail.com or Whatsapp: +84 909850699.
Innovations in E-learning and Emerging Issues in Teaching Foreign Languages in Post-COVID Era
Blended Learning and Technologies
Teacher Education and Technology Integration
Classroom Management
Teacher education
Technologies for Teacher Education
Teaching Learning Practices with Social Media
Technologies and Beyond E-learning and the Challenges
Collaborative and/or Interactive Learning with Technology
Developments in Mobile Teaching and Learning
Translation and Interpretation
Language and linguistics
https://i-cte.org/the-1st-international-conference-of-tesol-education-1st-vltesol/Applied Linguistics
Intercultural communication
Cultures and language learning
Discourse analysis
Translation & Interpretation
Teaching & Learning Business English
Teaching & Learning Foreign Languages
Keynote Speakers
Presidential Keynote Address

Professor Andrew P. Lian
Professor of Foreign Language Studies, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand; Ho Chi Minh City Open University, Vietnam; Professor Emeritus, University of Canberra, Australia; President of AsiaCALL, the Asia Association of Computer-Assisted Language-Learning, a research and professional association focusing on the uses of technology to enhance second/foreign language learning in Asian contexts. Previous to this appointment, he was Professor and Chair of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at Western Illinois University in the United States. Prior to that, he had been Professor of Humanities and Director of the Center for the Study of Languages at Rice University, Houston, TX, USA, and Professor and Head of the School of Languages and International Education at the University of Canberra in Australia. He has held further Professorial appointments and been Head of Department in two other universities in Australia (James Cook University and Bond University).
(Orcid) (Scopus)
Presentation title: Not FonF or FonFs but FonPh: Focus on the Physical, an Additional Paradigm in Language Learning.
Distinguished Keynote Speaker

Prof. dr. Jozef COLPAERT, Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium
Professor Jozef Colpaert teaches Instructional Design, Educational Technology and Computer Assisted Language Learning at the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Antwerp School of Education of the University of Antwerp, Belgium. He is editor of Computer Assisted Language Learning (Taylor and Francis), and organizer of the International CALL Research Conferences (http://www.call2022.org). He is currently working on the empirical and theoretical validation of Educational Engineering, a novel instructional design and research method. (https://www.uantwerpen.be/en/staff/jozef-colpaert/my-website/)
(Scopus ID)
Presentation Title: Motivational task design for language learning in multimodal environments
Keynote Speaker 2

Dr. Nguyen Thi Thuy Loan, VASS College of Vocational Education, Australia
She specializes in teacher education, reflective practice, written corrective feedback, genre analysis, English written discourse, second language writing instruction and research, academic writing, ESL, ESP, professional writing with genre-based approach, citations, and reporting verbs. Among her several international publications, 23 research articles were published in Scopus/ISI- indexed journals.
She serves as a reviewer, editor and editor-in-Chief for Heliyon, Studies of Educational Evaluations, ESP Today Journal, and others. She has so far handled 35 manuscripts as an editor and reviewed 124 manuscripts submitted to several Elsevier and Scopus-indexed journals. Dr. Nguyen has also served as a chair and a committee member of thesis defenses in Thailand, a thesis examiner for Ph.D. theses from Vietnamese and Australian universities, a supervisor for TESOL Master’s students in Vietnam, and a co-supervisor for a Ph.D.candidate in Iran.
(Orcid ID) (Scopus ID)
Presentation Title: Becoming Teacher Researchers: Significance, Challenges & Practical Suggestions
Keynote Speaker 3

Dr. Bao Dat, Monash University, Australia
He is the author of Understanding Silence and Reticence: Nonverbal participation in Second Language Acquisition (Bloomsbury, 2014), Poetry for Education. Classroom Ideas that Inspire Creativity (Xlibris, 2017), Creativity and Innovations in ELT Material Development: Looking beyond the Current Design (Multilingual Matters, 2018), Transforming Pedagogies through Engagement with Learners, Teachers & Communities (Springer, 2021), Silence in English Language Pedagogy: From Theory to Practice (Cambridge University Press, 2022).
(Orcid), (Scopus)
Presentation Title: Rethinking silence: research in East-Asian contexts
Plenary Speakers

Professor Dr. Marina Orsini-Jones – Coventry University (UK).
Dr. Thuy Thi Ngoc Bui – Ha Noi University of Science and Technology
Prof. Dr. Marina Orsini-Jones is Associate Head of School Global Engagement in the School of Humanities and Professor in Education Practice associated with the Research Centre for Global Learning at Coventry University (UK). She has published work in her areas of expertise that include blended learning, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)/Virtual Exchange (VE), and Threshold Concepts-informed action research in languages and applied linguistics. In March 2021 she was awarded digital learning innovation funding by the British Council Viet Nam to set up a new VE community of practice with project ViVEXELT (Vietnam Virtual Exchange for English Language Teaching) in collaboration with staff from Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST). Orcid ID; Scopus ID
Dr. Thuy Thi Ngoc Bui, a Deputy Head of the External Affairs Office at Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST), graduated from the Master’s and Doctoral programs in Language Policy in the U.S. under the Ford Foundation and the East-West Center scholarships. In 2015, she was awarded the Australian Executive Fellowship to work as a visiting scholar at the University of Sydney, Australia. Her research focuses on multilingualism, critical literacy, teacher agency, and the relationship between language and education policies and socio-economic equity. Besides her academic positions, Thuy actively works as a community project manager for projects funded by the U.S and Australian embassies and other international organizations. Her projects focus on pedagogy training for teachers and enhancing academic and personal development skills for disadvantaged minority people, community leaders, and local activists. (Scopus ID)
Presentation title: ViVEXELT: a UK-Vietnam Community of Practice to Develop E-competencies During the COVID Pandemic
Plenary Speaker

Dr. Ania Lian, Charles Darwin University, Australia
Senior Lecturer in Education (Teaching and Learning), Charles Darwin University, Australia, Vice-President for Research & Innovation and Chief Editor of the AsiaCALL Online Journal.
She has worked at the National Policy Office of the Council on the Ageing in Canberra and has a history of working on a voluntary basis with the wider community on sustainability projects within the framework of the Queanbeyan Business Council, NSW. Ania has been a keynote speaker at a number of academic conferences both in Australia and in Asia, where she engages in building collaborative networks between CDU and other universities, with the aim of expanding the international focus of all involved. The leading objective of her teaching and research is to explore the concept of inclusive learning environments, with a specific focus on learner-centredness.
Orcid ID; Scopus ID
Featured Speaker

Dr. Phan The Hung, Dean of Faculty of Foreign Languages, Van Lang University
Dr. Phan The Hung is Dean of Faculty of Foreign Languages, Van Lang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. He is also the Director of the National Center of English Language Testing of VLU. He earned his M.A. degree in Applied Linguistics at Northern Iowa, USA, and his Ph.D. Degree in Linguistics at Queensland University, Australia. He has another Ph.D. degree in Language Studies at HCMC University of Education, Vietnam. In terms of management, Dr. Phan The Hung used to be Dean of Faculty of Foreign Languages & International Studies from 2005 to 2012 at Da Lat University, Vietnam. From 1991-1999, He the Director of the Center of Foreign Languages, and later from 2005-2012, the Vice-Director of the Center for Korean-Vietnamese Culture. In terms of publications, Dr. Phan The Hung has published a number of books and research articles in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics. His main interests are Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Culture, and Language. Biodata.