The International Association of TESOL & Education (IATE) was founded in 2021 when the Corona Virus (Covid-19) affected all areas of society around the world. Most schools, colleges, and universities were locked down. Three executive members of the Asia Association of Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Associate Professor Dr. Pham Vu Phi Ho (Van Lang University, Vietnam), Professor Andrew Lian (Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand), and Dr. Ania Lian (Charles Darwin University, Australia), discovered that teachers, professors, and educators around the world, especially in Asia, needed something more than CALL to share their teaching experiences and research. Therefore, the International Association of TESOL & Education came to life.
The IATE recognized the urgent need for a platform where educators could share their experiences and research, particularly in light of the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Hence, the International Conference of TESOL & Education (ICTE) is a key part of the IATE’s mission to advance language teaching and education worldwide. The conference program features keynote speeches, panel discussions, workshops, and paper presentations, covering a broad range of topics related to language teaching, education, and technology.
The International Conference of TESOL & Education (ICTE) is the premier event for educators, researchers, and professionals in the field of language teaching and education. This conference provides a platform for participants from around the world to share their expertise, exchange ideas, and network with like-minded professionals. The International Conference of TESOL & Education (ICTE) provides a forum for educators to connect and collaborate, particularly in the Asian region.
The ICTE is designed to facilitate interdisciplinary conversations and collaborations among educators, researchers, and professionals from diverse backgrounds. Participants have the opportunity to engage with cutting-edge research, explore innovative teaching methods, and share their own experiences and insights with a global community of peers.
We welcome participants from all corners of the globe to join us at the International Conference of TESOL & Education. Whether you are an experienced educator, a new researcher, or a professional in a related field, this conference provides a valuable opportunity to expand your knowledge and network with other professionals in your field.
Aims & Scope
The mission of the International Conference of TESOL & Education (ICTE) is to give researchers, educators, and teachers from all over the world a place to share their teaching experience and classroom research. Furthermore, the ICTE is a place where its members can be able to network and share work and research interests with other professionals in the field to maintain collaboration and advocate the use of new teaching methods, innovative tasks in the classrooms, and technology in your educational environments. Selected full papers presented at the ICTE International Conference will be published in the ICTE Conference Proceedings, and Journals with Open Access to share the participants’ research, teaching experiences.
In addition to the exciting program of keynote speeches, panel discussions, workshops, and paper presentations, the International Conference of TESOL & Education also provides participants with the opportunity to publish their research in the leading academic journals in the field.
The ICTE International Conference encourages participants to submit their papers to the International Journal of TESOL & Education, the International Journal of Language Instruction, or the ICTE Conference Proceedings. These publications offer a high-quality platform for participants to share their research and insights with a wider audience.
The International Journal of TESOL & Education is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research articles, book reviews, and opinion pieces related to the teaching of English as a second or foreign language. The journal is committed to promoting excellence in language teaching and education and is a respected publication in the field.
The International Journal of Language Instruction is another esteemed journal that welcomes submissions from participants in the ICTE International Conference. The journal publishes research and reviews related to language teaching and learning and is dedicated to advancing the field through the dissemination of high-quality research.
The ICTE Conference Proceedings is an open-access publication that features papers presented at the conference. This publication provides participants with a valuable opportunity to share their research with a global audience and to contribute to the advancement of language teaching and education worldwide.
We encourage all participants in the International Conference of TESOL & Education to consider submitting their research to these esteemed publications. Publishing in these journals is an excellent way to increase the visibility and impact of your research and contribute to the field’s development.
Meaningful Dates
14 May 2021: International Journal of TESOL & Education was assigned the ISSN (2768-4563) by the ISSN National Centre for the USA.
16 December 2021: Catholic Science & Life (Khoa Hoc Cong Giao va Doi Song) was assigned the ISSN (2771-1412) by the ISSN National Centre for the USA.
05 August 2022: International Journal of Language Instruction was assigned the ISSN (2833-230X) by the ISSN National Centre for the USA.
16 September 2022: ICTE Conference Proceedings was assigned the ISSN (2834-0000) by the ISSN National Centre for the USA
19 September 2024: The International Journal of AI in Language Education was assigned the ISSN (3065-0216) by U.S. ISSN Center at the Library of Congress.
21 January 2022: The 1st International Conference of TESOL & Education, held at Van Lang University, 69/68 Dang Thuy Tram Street, Ward 13, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
19 – 20 June 2022: The 2nd International Conference of TESOL & Education, held at Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry, 140 Le Trong Tan Street, Tay Thanh Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
2 – 3 December 2022: The 3rd International Conference of TESOL & Education, held at Van Lang University, 45 Nguyen Khac Nhu, Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
16 – 17 August 2024: The 4th International Conference of TESOL & Education, at Van Lang University, 69/68 Dang Thuy Tram St., Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Associate Professor Dr. Pham Vu Phi Ho, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Van Lang University, Vietnam
Assoc. Prof. Pham Vu Phi Ho, Ph.D., Assoc. Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Van Lang University, Vietnam. He used to be a Vice-President of Ba Ria – Vung Tau University and Vice-President at Van Hien University, Vietnam. Pham has published more than 70 research articles in both local and international journals, such as Computer-Assisted Language Learning, SAGE Open, System, and Journal of Psycholinguist Research (17 Scopus/14 ISI), and 10 books and course-books, 3-course books were used for both the undergraduate and graduate levels at Van Lang University, HCMC Open University, Vietnam, and Lourdes College, Higher Education Department, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. He has international experience in teaching English at Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand, and Gyeongju University, South Korea. He is the Vice President for Administrative Affairs of AsiaCALL and the managing editor of its Online Journal. He is now the Editor-in-chief of the International Journal of TESOL & Education. He is the editor-in-chief for several proccedings published by Atlantis Press, part of Springer. He is an editorial staff for the Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics (Scopus-Q2) and a peer reviewer for some international journals indexed in ISI/Scopus, such as Computer Assisted Language Learning and Open Sage… He is an editor of an edited book published by Springer, and now an editor for another Edited Book of the IGI Global, entitled “Implementing AI Tools for Language Teaching and Learning”, and an Edited Book entitled “Empowering Educators: Integrating AI Tools for Personalized Language Instruction”, which will be published by Springer Nature (Scopus), (ISI), (Google Scholar). His CV may be found at https://www.phamho.com/c-v.
Professor Dr. Andrew Lian, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand; Professor Emeritus, University of Canberra, Australia
Andrew Lian is a Professor of Foreign Language Studies, at the School of Foreign Languages, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand, He specializes in the methodology of teaching foreign/second languages and has had a special interest in the uses of modern technology to enhance learning since the late 1970s. He is one of the pioneers of technology-enhanced language learning in Australia. Prior to this appointment, he was a Professor and Chair of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at Western Illinois University in the United States. Prior to that, he had been a professor of Humanities and Director of the Center for the Study of Languages at Rice University, Houston, TX, USA, and Professor and Head of the School of Languages and International Education at the University of Canberra in Australia. He has held additional professorial positions and served as Head of Department at two other Australian universities (James Cook University and Bond University). His current research interests are in the area of self-adjusting and self-organizing (language/culture-) learning environments based on rhizomatic approaches to (language/culture-) learning and the generation of personal learning environments within a 21st-century perspective. As a consequence, he is also interested in the development and use of multimedia databases in (language/culture)-teaching and learning. More details can be found at http://andrewlian.com/new and http://andrewlian.com. He can be reached at President at asiacall.info (Orcid) (Scopus)
Dr. Ania Lian, Senior Lecturer, Charles Darwin University
Dr. Ania Lian, Senior Lecturer (eq. Associate Professor) in Education (Teaching and Learning), Charles Darwin University, Australia, Vice-President for Research & Innovation and Chief Editor of the AsiaCALL Online Journal. Ania has worked at different universities in Australia since 1993. Her work has focused on how technology can be used to help people learn second languages and in education in general, including software development. She has also worked at the National Policy Office of the Council on Ageing in Canberra. She has also worked on sustainability projects with the wider community as a volunteer through the Queanbeyan Business Council in New South Wales. Ania has been a keynote speaker at a number of academic conferences both in Australia and in Asia, where she engages in building collaborative networks between CDU and other universities, with the aim of expanding the international focus of all involved. The leading objective of her teaching and research is to explore the concept of inclusive learning environments, with a specific focus on learner-centeredness. Her recent interest in graduate qualities grew out of these worries, which form the basis of how she works. Her professional portfolio can be found by clicking HERE. As Vice-President, of AsiaCALL (Research and Innovation) Ania has created the AsiaCALL Professional Learning Community (https://sites.google.com/site/asiacallplc/) and, on Facebook, the AsiaCALL Ph.D. and Research. Orcid ID; Scopus ID
See the Executive members