Nobody or organization can develop a successful International Conference on their own. The International Conference of TESOL & Education is aware of this issue and seeks assistance from valuable professionals around the world. Their high-quality counsel will significantly help increase the success of its International Conference.
Advisory board member from the USA

Associate Professor Sandro R. Barros, Michigan State University
Sandro R. Barros is an Associate Professor in the Curriculum, Instruction, and Teacher Education program at Michigan State University. His academic research traverses the fields of the Humanities and Social Sciences to study multilingual development, culture, and language politics across K-16 schools and other sites of cultural production. He is the author of Paulo Freire and Multilingual Education (with Luciana C. de Oliveira, Routledge) and The Dissidence of Reinaldo Arenas (with Rafael Ocasio and Angela L. Willis, University of Florida Press) (Orcid) (Scopus)
Advisory board member from the USA

Professor Dr. M. Rafael Salaberry
Mary Gibbs Jones Professor of Humanities; Research Director, Center for Languages and Intercultural Communication, Rice University, USA.
Prof. Rafael Salaberry graduated from Cornell University in 1997 with a PhD in Applied Linguistics and a minor in Cognitive Studies. He has held positions at University of Minnesota, Penn State University, and University of Texas-Austin.
He is a Professor in the Department of Modern and Classical Literatures and Cultures at Rice University, where he conducts research in a number of areas associated with the fields of applied linguistics, second language acquisition, multilingualism and bilingual education. A list of my publications ranked by relevant citations is accessible through Google Scholar. Currently, He is on the Editorial Board of the following peer-reviewed journals: Journal of Multilingual Theories and Practices, Asia CALL Online Journal, International Journal of TESOL & Education, and Journal of Spanish Language Teaching. Prof. Rafael is also on the International Advisory Board of ILCE (Instituto de Lengua y Cultura Españolas) – Universidad de Navarra (Spain).
(Orcid), (Scopus), (Google Scholar)
Advisory board member from the Philippines

Dr. Kurt Candilas, Dean of the Arts and Sciences Program of Lourdes College, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines.
Dr. Kurt S. Candilas earned his undergraduate degree of Arts in English at Bukidnon State University, Malaybalay City. He obtained his Master’s degree in Education major in Teaching English Communication Arts at Lourdes College, Cagayan de Oro City. He finished his Doctorate’s degree in English major in Literature at the University of San Jose Recoletos, Cebu City, Philippines. Dr. Candilas also earned his TESOL advanced certification with the American TESOL Institute of the Philippines, Inc. His research interests include the following areas: literature, linguistics, education, and religion.
(Orcid ID), (Academia), (Google Scholar)
Advisory board member from Australia

Dr. Nguyen Thi Thuy Loan, VASS College of Vocational Education, Australia
Dr. NGUYEN Thi Thuy Loan is a trainer and assessor at VASS College of Vocational Education, Australia. She specializes in teacher education, reflective practice, written corrective feedback, genre analysis, English written discourse, second language writing instruction and research, citations and reporting verbs. Most of her publications on these topics can be found in Scopus and ISI-indexed journals.
Besides serving as a reviewer, an editor and editor-in Chief for Heliyon, Studies of Educational Evaluation, ESP Today Journal, and others, she has served as a chair and a committee member of thesis defenses in Thailand, a thesis examiner for PhD theses from Vietnamese and Australian universities, a supervisor for TESOL Master’s students in Vietnam and a co-supervisor for an PhD candidate in Iran.
She has also been a keynote, plenary and concurrent speaker at many international conferences and a judge for the International English Speech Contest for Rajabhat and ASEAN Universities. She is sometimes invited to give special lectures and conduct workshops for postgraduate students and lecturers in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Nepal, Thailand and Vietnam.
(Orcid ID), (Scopus ID), (Google Scholar)
Advisory board member from Australia

Dr. Bao Dat, Monash University, Australia
He is the author of Understanding Silence and Reticence: Nonverbal participation in Second Language Acquisition (Bloomsbury, 2014), Poetry for Education. Classroom Ideas that Inspire Creativity (Xlibris, 2017), Creativity and Innovations in ELT Material Development: Looking beyond the Current Design (Multilingual Matters, 2018), Transforming Pedagogies through Engagement with Learners, Teachers & Communities (Springer, 2021), Silence in English Language Pedagogy: From Theory to Practice (Cambridge University Press, 2022).
(Orcid), (Scopus), (Google Scholar)
Advisory board member from Malaysia

Dr. Mohd Norazmi Nordin, Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Dr. Mohd Norazmi Nordin holds a doctor of philosophy degree in educational leadership from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. He successfully completed his PhD thesis writing within 2 years of study. Active in delivering talks related to structured thesis writing for postgraduate students. He also actively delivers talks related to article writing and project papers. Apart from that, he is also a motivator and instructor for special education related courses. He is currently a lecturer at the Center for the Study of Education and Community Wellbeing, Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He is also the author of a book and the founder of the SKAF Method which is an effective method in structuring research/thesis. The SKAF method can also help students as well as researchers in understanding their research accurately and guided. In addition, the SKAF Method can also make it easier for evaluators, readers and thesis examiners to understand the sequence of student writing more quickly. (Orcid) (Scopus) (Google Scholar)
Advisory board member from the USA & Asia

Dr. John R. Baker
John R. Baker holds a Ph.D. in TESOL & Composition, an M.S. in language education, and an RSA Cambridge CELTA. He has worked with writing and self-access centers and taught undergraduate and graduate writing, ESOL, literature, and research methods courses in the U.S.A. and Asia (Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam). His research interests include second language writing and reading, self-access and writing center design and administration, literature, research methods, and how these come together in an interdisciplinary nature. He regularly publishes, edits, and reviews for several journals, and has worked with international and local book publishers. (Orcid) (Scopus)
Advisory board member from Thailand

Associate Professor Dr. Akkarapon Nuemaihom
Buriram Rajabhat University, Thailand
Associate Professor Dr. Akkarapon Nuemaihom received a Ph.D. in Linguistics (ICCR Scholarship) from Deccan College, India in 1999. He has been appointed by Buriram Rajabhat University Council as the Dean of the faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences for two consecutive terms. From 2016 till now, he has continuously hosted three national and international conferences both in Thailand and overseas. Moreover, he is wildly accepted both administratively and academically. Regarding the administration success, he has been chosen from 38 deans of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences throughout Thailand to be a President of Council of Faculty of Humanity and Social Science Dean, Rajabhat University, Thailand. For his academic accomplishment, he was presented the Maple Leaf Scholar Award (Maple Leaf Scholar Award) from Huntington University, Canada at the conference held at University of Miyazaki, Japan, during 8-12 July 2017. The following are the areas that he is expert at: English, Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Translation, ESP (English for Specific Purposes), TESOL, TOEFLE, IELTS, Cross-Culture. Because of his good qualifications, he is always invited by different well-known schools and universities both in Thailand and abroad to give a special lecture on different topics relevant to English usage.
Advisory board member from Egypt

Dr. Nashaat Edward, Obour High Institute for Management & Informatics, Egypt
Dr. Nashaat Edward Nashed, Assistant Professor of Economics, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences; Obour Higher Institute for Management, and Informatics, Egypt. Dr. Nashaat Edward graduated from Beni Suef University in 2008 with a Ph.D. in law and a minor in economic studies. He held positions at Al-Obour High Institute for Management, and Informatics, including Head of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences – Dean of the Institute – Member of the Board of Directors, where he conducts research in a number of fields related to the fields of economy, law, tourism, and sustainable development. The list of my publications can be accessed in relevant scientific journals and conferences Currently, he is a member of the editorial board of more than 100 economic, legal and social journals and deputy editor-in-chief of more than 70 journals, Dr. Nashaat Edward is also a member of the advisory board of many international scientific conferences and has an account On the scientific platforms (Orcid) (Publons) (ASJP). He received many certificates and honors from many local, regional and international universities.
Advisory board member from Indonesia

Dr. Heri Kuswoyo, Dean Faculty of Arts and Education Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, Indonesia
Dr. Heri Kuswoyo, S.S., M. Hum is an Assistant Professor of Functional Linguistics at English Department, Faculty of Arts and Education, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia and a Post-doctoral Researcher at Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia. He was a visiting researcher at the Department of English, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Northern Illinois University in 2019. His research interests include discourse analysis, classroom discourse, and systemic functional linguistics. He has number of publications in both local and international journals.