Dear authors
Please use the template below for your abstract submission
Title: no more than 17 words and use “Title case” (the first letter of each word is capitalized, except for small words)
Abstract: between 150 and 200 words.
The abstract should include:
1. Background of the study
2. Research gaps
3. Research context and samples
4. Data collection/analysis
5. Results/findings (if you have the results)
6. Highlight (if any)
If you submit a literature review paper, you don’t need to include No. 5, the results. You just need to present the significance of your paper.
Biodata statement: approx. 50 words including your job position, institution, country, skills taught, research interests and experiences.
Note: Please use your GMAIL.COM to submit your abstract.
All submissions will undergo a double-blind review.