Abstract for Book Chapters

Dear authors,

This form is for abstract submissions for consideration of publication in the edited book entitled, “Empowering Educators: Integrating AI Tools for Personalized Language Instruction”, and will be published by Springer Nature, edited by Vu Phi Ho Pham, Andrew Lian, Ania Lian, and Jeremy White.


Abstract Submission: Until 20 November 2024.

Notification: 10 December 2024

Full paper: 15 February 2025 (will be informed in case the abstract is accepted)


Title: no more than 17 words and use “Title case” (the first letter of each word is capitalized, except for small words)

Abstract: between 150 and 200 words.

Biodata statement: approx. 50 words, including your job position, institution, country, skills taught, research interests, and experiences.

Note: Please use GMAIL to submit your abstract. Your affiliation’s emails should be submitted with your full papers.

All submissions will undergo a double-blind review.

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