Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): TESOL & Education
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54855/ijte.2331
Published: 20-12-2022
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We would like to extend our deepest gratitude and appreciation to all the contributors who published their papers in the International Journal of TESOL & Education, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2023. It is an honor to have received research articles and papers from esteemed universities and schools in Malaysia, Japan, and Vietnam.
We would like to acknowledge and thank the following universities and schools for their contributions: Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian Institute of Aviation Technology (UniKL, MIAT), University of Technology, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, Sapporo Shinyo High School, Hoa Sen University, Ho Chi Minh the City University of Food Industry, Faculty of Psychology, HCMC University of Education, CiY Viet Nam Training and Service Trading Company Limited, University of Labor and Social Affairs, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Van Lang University, and University of Social Sciences & Humanities, Vietnam National University HCMC.
We would also like to express our gratitude to the editorial board members and reviewers for their time, effort, and valuable contributions to ensuring the quality of the published papers. Your insightful comments and suggestions have greatly improved the papers and helped us maintain the journal’s high standards.
Your contributions have enriched the International Journal of TESOL & Education and have made it pos-sible for us to continue to provide high-quality research articles and papers to our readers. We hope that you will continue to share your research and insights with us in the future.
Thank you for your dedication, hard work, and commitment to advancing the field of TESOL & Education.
Thanks be to God for everything!
Sincerely yours
Associate Professor Dr. Pham Vu Phi Ho
Faculty of Foreign Languages, Van Lang University
Research Articles
Tran Thi Bich Tram, Vuong Tuyet Kha
English as a Global Language: An Exploration of EFL Learners’ Beliefs in Vietnam
Vo Thi Bich Phuong, Nguyen Duc Anh
Revisiting Lifelong Learning and Its Practices in Vietnam
Integrating 21st Century Skills into Translation Classroom from Students’ Perspective
Pham Manh Tri, Nguyen Thi Thanh Van, Cao Thi Xuan Tu
Teaching English to Aircraft Maintenance Students: Challenges and Needs
Aina Suriani Mahmood, Noor Saazai Mat Saad, Nurhayati Mohd Nur